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Monday, October 17, 2011

Mailbox Monday / It's Monday What are you reading?

Am combining the meme of Mailbox Monday showcasing what books came into your house with It's Monday What are you reading? Mailbox Monday is being hosted for October by Savvy Verse and Wit.
It's Monday What are you reading? is hosted by Book Journey.

The books which all came into my house via my second hand shop

Mixed reviews on this fan fiction sequel. Love the entire lot so lets see what it's about.

A blurb says Perry gets the Victorian mood just right!!! that is good enough recommendation for me.

The improbability of Aunt Margaret's Lover with this very Elizabethan cover intrigues me.
Inspector Linley is on par with Darcy for me. So I do not think explanations are needed.

A WWII background so I picked it up. Also like the cover.

Had not seen this on any blog so thought I'd pick it up.

For reading this week I have not yet started on Rohinton Mistry's book which is a fat one. I also have
River of Smoke which I will start only on Sunday when I am at Rozella. Right now it is Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain. Again a favourite period of mine set in 1914 also adapted for the BBC.


  1. It looks like you found some treasures! I hope you love them all.

  2. Great mailbox this week, hope you enjoy them!

  3. I keep wanting to go to our big secondhand shop for more books .. but then I look at the piles on my TBR bookshelves and think to myself, "argh! I really need to read more of THOSE first!"

    Great lot of books! Enjoy them all!

  4. A very nice set of books, Mystica. They all look good.

  5. I haven't read any of these but they do look really good; enjoy

  6. Wonderful mailbox. Looks like you got some great books! Have a great reading week.

    Have a look at my haul of free e-books this week!!

    Here is my post!

  7. Nice! I think An Unequal Marriage sounds good! I hope you enjoy your stack this week! Good luck and Happy Reading!

  8. Great mailbox! I like the look of the WWII book, and the Pride and Prejudice "twenty years later."


    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  9. I have always wanted to read a M. George book-enjoy your reading week.

  10. You always find books I have never heard of but look very good. I need to write these down and check out our used bookstore!

  11. I'm looking forward to your thoughts on the P&P sequel. I haven't read that one. Enjoy your new books!

  12. That's a neat pile of books. Do you finish reading them by Sunday in time for next week's Mailbox Monday? I usually get through one book over a week to ten days. Painful, isn't it!

  13. A wonderful mailbox, this week.

  14. great list!
    I spent last week rebooting my blog on Wordpress. I hope you will stop by and let me know what you think.


  15. I read The Wild Hunt when I was 12 and loved it

  16. I love the cover of The Wild Hunt. Gotta love the second hand shop!

  17. Wow so many reviewed books on this and your last few posts!
    Its great to get some ideas for different books to try - thanks for sharing these Mystica!
    Shall definitely check out those early Agatha Christie ones mentioned a few posts ago!
    Gill xx

  18. I read one of Anne Perry's William Monk books but haven't tried any of these ones yet. Like the Victorian period though so I might have to soon. Happy reading!

  19. Enjoy all your new reads! These are all new to me.

  20. i love the sound of the pride and prejudice book. i didn't even know there was a fan fiction series about it. i'm going to have to look it up! hope you enjoy your books!

  21. I love shopping at second hand book stores. Looks like you found some good ones!

  22. Wow - some nice books. I haven't read Elizabeth George for a few years now. I like the looks of Wild Hunt. I hope you've had a really good week.
