The story is set in alternate times - 1171 and 1999. That alone made it an interesting read. The background added to it. The city of Pisa in 1199 was an important trading port. A gateway to two worlds East and West making it a real hub for wealth and business. Pisa today still a hub in a different way - a tourist attraction and still adding to the wealth of its inhabitants. To this mix add two contrasting women. Sam a product of the 20th century, a has been career woman now balancing a family. Berta an unusual woman for the 12th century. Independent, artistic and wealthy, given free reign by her husband to pursue her artistic and architectural interests. What both stories have in common is the Leaning Tower of Pisa. How historical fiction can be combined with two life stories of two such diverse women have been done with this book. Rich in detail of the actual construction, and completion of the Tower it never gets boring or too bogged down in detail. Sent to me by Netgalley courtesy of Bookouture.
What Happened to Summer?
Hello out there - yes, it's been (4) months since I last posted and I
totally missed summer. It wasn't much of a summer - rain, rain, rain and
lots o...
11 months ago