A Jane Austen based story on Jane’s sleuthing skills. Different and very good reading.
Jane and her sister Cassandra are in Bath on a small vacation mainly to help Cassandra come to terms with her fiancées death. Jane is worried over her sisters mental state and tries in small ways to assist her. In Bath a chance encounter with Lady Waters and her much older husband set the scene for the story. When Lord Waters dies suddenly, despite his advanced years and ill health Jane is suspicious over his death, and brings it to the attention of the authorities.
This does not go down well with not just the doctors involved, but also the family who just want the wife convicted, and financial matters settled with no scandal attached to the family and with little inconvenience to themselves. Jane delves further into the matter and justice is sErved.
The story set in 1797 England indicates the precarious position for women of that era, commoner or aristocracy alike. Very little was fair to women and their position in society was dependent on the whims of family.
A different Jane Austen variant which was excellent reading.
Sent by Sapere Books for an unbiased review, courtesy ofNetgalley.