Fern and Aiden had what it takes to make a marriage last - or so it seemed. Both had married young, put aside ideas of higher studies, dug deep into jobs and settling down. An unexpected windfall resurrects Aiden's dreams of travelling, of adventure into the beyond. For Fern unexpected though this was, shocked really, she is willing to let Aiden go, both take a gap year from their marriage and both pursue their respective dreams.
For Fern it was painting. Something she loved to do and had no opportunities, no training and no money for all this time. Now with a years sabbatical ahead of her, she volunteers for a villa in Provence which runs various courses for people.
Very descriptive on the one hand of Provence which sounds fabulous and on the other hand a disintegrating relationship, when you add the stresses of long distance, lack of communication and the niggling feeling that things are getting away from you and with no idea of how you can get it back on the former keel it was, takes us into this story.
Very well written.
Sent by Netgalley for an unbiased review, courtesy of Boldwood Books.
On another note, we are not just in lockdown in Sri Lanka but in an unending curfew for the last month. No lifting of curfew for anything. If you need medicines or urgent needs you've got to apply to the police for a temporary pass which is very strictly enforced. No crossing of districts and no frivolous reasons. I marvel at the leniency in other countries and who then wonder why their infection rates and death rates are so high. It is tiresome and difficult and one gets on anothers nerves for no apparent reason but this is it, right now.