Irene has been born into a jeweller family but she gets scant encouragement from her hide bound father, despite being very talented and accepted into a training school against severe odds. Her support comes from her step mother who understands Irene's talent and the need to create.
The time is the 1890s and a time of great change for women particularly. Going into a trade would have been totally forbidden before but Irene is determined to make some kind of life for herself and this she does. It happens slowly but she evolves into a determined business woman having her own salon and taking over the mantle of her father on his demise.
Her love story was another aspect of the book and for me it was two separate stories though albeit linked because both men in her life were very closely linked to jewellery themselves.
I liked the description of the business, the story of the gemstones and the work involved in the days when jewellers actually travelled to their customers residences especially when it involved the work that the Lindsay family did. The detailed description of the work, and the workshops was not boring in the least and added much depth to the story.
A book sent to me by Netgalley for an unbiased review, courtesy of Endeavour Press.