Have put quilting aside for books for one month. I am in Melbourne right now and the Carnegie library is my second home. I have so many lists of books I would like to read (all from book bloggers sites). I have also been lucky that the library has practically all of them so my job right now is to diligently go through the whole lot.
I was very disappointed because I first went for Michelle Moran's Heretic Queen and Cleopatra's Daughter and both were out and were only coming in mid December when I would no longer be here. Luck was on my side however and Heretic Queen appeared and today Cleopatra's Daughter. I am so glad because I entered over 20 competitions for these two books and never won! I also have read an extremely interesting book which has not been reviewed on any of the blogs I do read - Leaving India by Minal Hajratwala. The book covers a topic that is very common both amongst Sri Lankans and Indians and amongst all people who emigrate and make another country their home. It echoes feelings and experiences undergone by anyone who has formed part of a diaspora in a different country. The writer is very down to earth, very expressive and portrays perfectly the difficulties undergone by children whose parents live in another world - culturally, spiritually and expect their children to live in both worlds the new and old with equal balance and excellence. I would love someone out there to do a review on this book which I feel is really good.
Weather in Melbourne is erratic. From two days of being hot, hot, hot we went down to a mild cool day which was wonderful. Coming from hot and humid Sri Lanka I dont want to face hot weather in Melbourne as well, today was rainy and dismal but it has become bright and sunny and I am glad because there is a whole lot of laundry out there!
Back to the books - Cleopatra's Daughter and also Pride and Prescience (just to strike a balance!)
What Happened to Summer?
Hello out there - yes, it's been (4) months since I last posted and I
totally missed summer. It wasn't much of a summer - rain, rain, rain and
lots o...
11 months ago