Though the story is about three deaths, three women in brothels and brothels in general and the workings of a brothel and how it made one man very rich indeed, the real story is one of oppression, unrequited feelings and how destiny and the fact of how and where and to whom one was born seemed to play a large part in the lives of these women.
All three women come from working class backgrounds. Two of them were not really wanted in their homes and one wanted a more exciting kind of life than the one that was envisaged for her. They all ended up in the brothels quite willingly. This was no white slave trade. Feelings however was another matter. Each was hoping for something a little more permanent than passing trade and all including the wife of the owner of the brothels was cheated of this. They all got just a little bit of what they were hoping for and they continued to hope that better things were in the future. It did not happen that way and that was the sad part.
The ending was a bit of a let down. I wish it could have been more definite.
This book was sent to me by Netgalley courtesy of Pan Macmillan.
I was curious about this title, thanks for sharing your thoughts,
ReplyDeleteShelleyrae @ Book'd Out