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Monday, June 23, 2014

Mailbox Monday/It's Monday! What are you reading?

Mailbox Monday showcases what has been received by me.

The Divorce Papers

Wonderful read! This was courtesy of Blogging for Books.

The Provincial Lady in London

This book is courtesy of Open Library I find the cover singularly unimaginative! I have downloaded a digitalized version so I do not have covers etc but considering that her books are so descriptive and so detailed I thought people could have done much better than this!


The meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. 

Am reading the Delafield which as usual is delightful.  Am also starting the Poppy Factory 

love the cover as well!

Am back at home for this week so maybe less reading than usual. Work calls! 


  1. Looks like some fun reads. Enjoy!

  2. Enjoy your books this week, The Poppy Factory sounds really good!!

  3. I've been wanting to read The Divorce Papers...thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  4. The Divorce Papers has one funny cover! Happy reading!

  5. I'm glad you are enjoying what you are reading. These are all new to me. Come see my busy week here. Happy reading!

  6. Work does get in the way of reading doesn't it?

  7. Hi Mystica,

    You have three so very different books this week and all from new to me authors.

    The one I really want to read is 'The Poppy Factory', and although this one really isn't my ideal kind of read, 'The Divorce Papers' really does have a laugh out loud cover!

    I too, try not to be swayed too much by the cover art of a book, although I can see exactly where you are coming from with the Delafield book, that cover is rather dreadful! Try checking out this cover version I found on Goodreads and see what you think ... Much better in my opinion!

    Have a good week,


  8. These sound interesting, Mystica, though having read your review of "The Divorce Papers," I'm more inclined to read "The Provincial Lady in London."

  9. I enjoyed your review of The Divorce Papers and I'm looking forward to your thoughts on The Poppy Factory. Have a great week and happy reading :)

    and yes that cover is just dull

  10. Great post!
    And I recently acquired myself a pair of: jeans with butt lift, really cool ones.

  11. Love the Poopy Factory cover too!
