My review is very short because this is not an easy book to review.
A family saga - drama really with a bit of everything thrown in. Covering five generations and four remarkable, eccentric sisters this is a dysfunctional family.
Reading it was something similar to the curate's egg. Good in parts! very difficult to read in parts the story covers Kathleen the brilliant singer whom the father had pinned his hopes on, then we have Mercedes who took on the role of Mother with the tragic death of actual Mother, then we have Frances the middle one and Lily the crippled daughter and the one who wants to please everyone. The mother is almost incidental to the story though she was a big influence in the life of all especially Mercedes. The author makes her almost recede into the background.
Dark, twisted with a huge dose of incest and physical abuse the book was one which I alternately disliked and liked. Cannot say I loved it but I did want to read the whole thing through. I dislike myself more when I do not finish a book.
Just to create a bit of something light, flowers from the garden at Rozella!

Sounds like an "Oprah pick". Love the flower pics!