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Monday, December 2, 2013


The Almond Tree

I couldn't do Mailbox Monday and I have nothing to read today either till I pick up some books so the Tuesday meme is also being given a miss. 

Won this book on a Goodreads contest and aren't I glad I did. A debut novel from the author it covers the saga of a family at the heart of the Palestinian conflict - a family ostracised, thrown out of their family home and property, punished unfairly for being Palestinian Arabs. 

My knowledge of the conflict is skimpy but like all political conflicts it seems that the average man in the street is the one who is adversely affected. We have a story set from the 1950s to 2010 and shows how despite everything stacked against them, a person can make a difference not just in his life but fortunately for this family for everyone around them.

The family itself is divided on its ideological views but for all its members it is the family unit that is of ultimate importance and priority and everything must be done for the betterment of all. It puts the whole above self - something not seen very often even amongst families today. Ichmad our hero is a very young boy at the onset of the story and through perseverance and unbearable odds is able to make a life for himself. His rags to comparative riches story along with his growing need to make the world more aware of his countryman's problems form the crux of the story.

A true family saga beautifully told. 


  1. This sounds very good. Thanks for sharing.

    You have NO unread books at home?? I could not imagine that for me. It would be like having no food in the house:)

  2. This one sounds like a story I would definitely enjoy.

  3. Oooh, sounds very good! I'll keep an eye out for this! Hope you get some new reads, and soon!

  4. I love family sagas… this sounds like a good one!

  5. Sounds good! Enjoy your reading!

  6. I like a good family saga every now and then, so I'll have to keep this in mind. Glad you enjoyed it!

  7. I love family stories and this one sounds terrific!
