My Blog List

Friday, March 18, 2011

Book blogger hop 18/3 to 21/3

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jennifer from crazy for books a place just for book bloggers and readers to connect and share our love of the written word. It helps us meet new book bloggers, make friends, explore new books introduced to us and generally immerse ourselves in books!

This week's question comes from Somer who blogs at A Bird's Eye Review

Do you read only one book at a time, or do you have several going on at once?
My answer:

I generally read one at a time but if the book is a bit dull, I tend to switch. This does not happen
very often.

Visit other blogs in the Linky List! Make new friends! Follow new book bloggers! Talk about books! Rave about authors! Take the time to make a quality visit! Check out other posts and content, make a new friend! Don't randomly follow someone if you never intend on actually following them!

Have a fun weekend everyone!


  1. If I'm reading something fantastic, I tend to focus on that one, but usually I have a bunch going at the same time. I can't help it. :)

  2. Hey Mystica, just stopping by on the follow. Thanks for stopping by. I wish I could multi-task and read more than one.
    Have a terrific weekend reading !!!
    See ya!
    Readaholics Anonymous

  3. That's true-as long as the book is engaging, I can stick to just that book. But if it ever gets kind of boring...well, there are always other books to be read.

  4. One plotline is enough for me too. If I'm bored enough to pick up another book at the same time then I usually don't even finish the first one.
    Have a great weekend.

  5. Do you tend to go back to the original book at some point or just let bygones by bygones?

    Thanks for coming by my blog :)


  6. I somehow finish the book Lexie, good, bad or indifferent!

  7. Thank you for stopping by my blog! And have a great weekend.

  8. I'm a one book at a time reader.

  9. Thanks for hopping by! I'm hoping to eventually get it back down to just one or two at a time. Makes books much more enjoyable when you can devote all of your attention to it.

    Have a great weekend! :)

  10. Hello! Thanks for stopping by today. I've read a couple of books this year that were so dull/bad that I had to pick something else up just to break it up and get through it. I hope you have a great weekend!

  11. I can understand the need to switch books if the current one is boring. :) Thanks for visiting my blog and happy hopping and reading!

  12. Not everyone can multi-task and nobody should. When it comes to book sure, I can't read four books simultaneously (or even two, for that matter!) but there are times I'll juggle as many as four books at a time depending on the subject matter, the urgency or more often both.

    The real trick to this is what KINDS of books to juggle. Hop on over to my blog and learn the method behind my madness - http://www.howardshermannet
    Howard Sherman

  13. Thanks for stopping by my hop.

    I only read one book at a time unless I have a book emergency of some sort.

    Have a good weekend!

  14. Thanks for stopping by my Blog Hop! I thought I would check your answer out too! I will sometimes switch too, or procrastinate reading a particular book (Moby Dick)... :)

    Have a great weekend!


  15. I can only read one book at a time plus an audio. If I do more than that, I get too confused.

  16. Thank you for stopping by the blog and for following! I am also following yours. :)

    Jess @ Gone with the Words

  17. Hi, thanks for hopping by my post this week! I'm a new follower of your blog. I'm looking forward to your posts.

    Grace @

  18. I used to read more than one at a time but lately I've been focusing on just finishing one at a time.

  19. Hopping through. I usually read multiple books at a time. It's hard to focus on just one.
    My Hop

  20. I agree. Most often the reason I set one book aside for another is that I'm not that interested in the first one. That's how I felt about Super Sad True Love Story, which sat on my couch for several days without being opened.

  21. Thanks for stopping by Proud Book Nerd! :-)

    I'm with you. I generally read two if the first one's kinda slow. I usually try to only have one going at a time, though.

  22. I wish it happened less for me that I get bored with a book :P

    Thank you for your comment :)

  23. Thanks for stopping by. I definitely have a problem reading multiple books at one time. Have a great weekend!

  24. I tend to switch books when they are dull too. I hate to quit on a book, but there are so many other great books out there to read, it's hard to force myself to finish one that does not hold my interest.
    Truly Bookish
