Effie is not the usual run of the mill 29 year old. The story highlights very much the problems faced by someone who is a square peg in a round box. However much she has tried to be the "average Jane" Effie has never fitted the mould much to the dismay of her mother. From her school years she has been brash, I would say never considering what to say before she says it so that she has ended up at this age with no friends, no family life and very much alone, sad and bitter.
The only person who seemed to see a glimmer of a person within the person was Arthur her employer who treated her with distance and care at the same time which seemed to be the way to go. That is until she met Theo who saw the rough diamond that Effie was and who was determined to bring the person out.
The travails of Theo and Effie form the crux of the story - emotional, heart breaking but thank the Lord with a happy ever after ending. I couldn't have borne it if I saw Effie disillusioned again!
How our books drag us into a fantasy all the time!
The story was sent to me by Netgalley for an unbiased review, courtesy of Avon.
PS On a covid note, I did go out today for the first time in eight weeks for a hair color and pedicure . It was almost alien!
I have difficulty these days enjoying stories with 20-30 something protagonists. As a senior, I think sometimes their issues (in fiction) seem so fluffy or insignificant. This book doesn't sound too bad from reading your thoughts.