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Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Montauk by Nicola Harrison

1938 was a tough year for women. If they were in a relationship or marriage divorce seemed out of the question, on whatever grounds. If you were in the higher income bracket like our couple here, there was no way you could walk away from a marriage. Infidelity on the part of the man seemed to be an accepted feature of life and one that would hopefully go away. On the part of the women, yes if done discreetly.

Independence, working and having satisfaction from a job well done seemed unheard by all the society women flocking Montauk. The new Florida. One in which Beatrice and her husband Harry especially had high stakes. It was very important for Beatrice to cultivate friends, something she was not very good at, especially those who would help Harry's career. It did not matter that everyone knew that Harry was a philandering so and so. It was accepted in the society they moved.

When Beatrice got attracted to someone else, not of her class and started fraternizing with employees of the hotel it did not bode well for her. It marked subterfuge on her part to cover up her tracks and for her to decide what she was going to do.

The novel as it was depicted a society that looked very attractive to outsiders but was rotten to the core. Jealousy, infidelity, greed and social climbing seemed to characterize most of the people involved. It was difficult to read and accept as being the norm.

The setting was idyllic and descriptive. The story is a harsh one of a lifestyle which is not to be admired!

Sent to me by Netgalley for an unbiased review, courtesy of St. Martin's Press. 


  1. I think reading books like this makes us feel better about ourselves.

  2. Nice cover but not sure I'll be reading this one. Cheeers

  3. I can't imagine living in a community like that. I wouldn't like it at all. It can be interesting to read about though! I love the cover of this one and you have me curious.

  4. Sounds like a good read - I also echo bermudaonion's comment.

  5. Honestly I find that sort of subservience so unimaginable for which I am grateful.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts
