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Monday, June 11, 2012

Mailbox Monday/It's Monday What Are You Reading?

Mailbox Monday was delightful this week! Hosted this week by Burton Book Review. Starting off with a book win from Unabridged Chick - The Sumerton Women. Thank you Audra.

The other books were purchased by me from my second hand book shop and are real finds!
A Josephine Cox (read about these books so much on Cornflower Books)

Described as irresistible storytelling - can anyone resist.

A first novel by Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason. Absolutely unheard of till today.

This came highly recommended on several blogs including Cornflower Books. I started to read it when I was last in Melbourne and found it not easy to read. I am going back to this as I think there must be something in it I have missed. Everyone around has found it very good reading.

It's Monday What Are You Reading hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

Almost finished this book and finding it very good. Cover does not do this book justice though.


  1. I read The Sumerton Women and enjoyed it. I'm intrigued by After You'd Gone - looking forward to reading your thoughts on it.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog - hope you have a great week!

  2. You got some nice ones. I liked The Rule of Four and The Secret History was excellent as well. enjoy

  3. THE RULE OF FOUR and THE SECRET HISTORY sound very interesting. A good line-up for Mailbox Monday.

  4. I look forward to your review of After You'd Gone. It looks intriguing. New follower.

  5. I've heard a lot about THE SECRET HISTORY. I hope you love it and the rest of your new books!

  6. Nice win! I hope you enjoy all your books.

  7. Those look like great books! Enjoy! And thanks for mentioning Cornflower, I used to read her before my comuputer breakdown/bookmark loss. Now I can add her to my bloglist again!

  8. I wonder what The Rule of Four is like. You have really good books. Enjoy.

  9. I haven't heard of any of those, but they sure do look good. Happy reading!

  10. I guess the saying "You can't judge a book by its cover" holds true for the book you're reading. Enjoy all your great finds!

  11. I haven't read any of these. I hope you enjoy them all.

  12. The Secret History! You have The Secret History!! I love that book, have read it over several times since it's first publication. Now I feel like reading it again since I saw it on your post. Lucky you to have it ahead of you!

  13. Songbird, I can't wait to see what you think of it!!

    Have a great week!!

  14. The Secret History is a good one. Enjoy all your new reads!

  15. The Sumerton Women looks interesting.

  16. I did enjoy The Secret History but I read it when I was at university myself. I hope you try one more time.

    Maggie O'Farrell I want to read, too.

  17. They all look good, particularly The Sumerton Women. You've got a lot of great reading ahead!

  18. Hope you enjoy Bogdan's book, it was a good read.

  19. I haven't heard of any of these. Hope they are good ones.

  20. I used to read everything by Josephine Cox. I hope you enjoy this one!

    Wishing you a great reading week!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  21. I love the blue water on the cover of After You'd Gone though. Enjoy your week!

  22. The Rule of Four is an excellent and complex mystery.

    My favorite read last week was Swahili for the Broken Hearted by Peter Moore. Please come see what else I'm reading.

  23. Great mailbox. I hope you enjoy. The Rule Of Four my mother read but didn't love it hope you like it more.

  24. looks like you'll be busy-thanks for stopping by.

  25. I am a new follower, I am not familiar with your books, :) Here is my Monday post Concise Book Reviews By Michelle

  26. Lovely books. I enjoyed The Secret History a lot. Happy reading!
