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Saturday, September 15, 2018

The Pupil by Dawn Godwin

Katherine Baxter is a mum of two small kids, a housewife and to all appearances just another mother trying to get through the routine, the boring, the mundane. Behind this facade is a girl who had dreams of writing, of becoming an author and getting published. She also has a past which wrecked the lives of four people, was followed by the paparazzi and though she came out of it alive, she was definitely not left unscathed. Upto date, under a doctor's care with anti depressants and a careful watch by her husband she manages her life.

Attending a workshop for aspiring authors renews Katherine's hopes that she can write and sets in motion a series of meetings with Sam Morton who undertakes to mentor her, and his wife Viola who throughout the story blows hot and cold. It is only much later that you understand Viola's hatred for Katherine - illogical though it is.

Throughout the novel, you did know that something was amiss and halfway through I realised it was connected to Katherine's past and inextricably linked to the Mortons. Sad but twisted in Viola's mind was revenge of the most basic kind.

A suspenseful mystery trying to unravel the workings of the mind (which I think can never be fully and rationally understood!!).

Sent to me by Netgalley for an unbiased review, courtesy of Aria.


  1. I do love the sound of this one! Thanks for sharing...and enjoy your week.

    I was relieved to discover that I wasn't the only reviewer with the Amazon passcode glitch! I was starting to feel a little paranoid. LOL

  2. I think you're right- you never can know with people, especially in a good thriller ha ha! This one sounds intense and maybe a little chilling!
