Reminiscent of Susan Howarth this was a change from the usual family sagas of this author. Here too human relationships formed the keynote part of the book but shadowed by the Cathedral, the Bishop, the Dean and the choir.
The cathedral is facing financial hardship. Like all old stately buildings maintenance is key, this has been neglected or not seen and the end result is an enormous outlay needed. On the other hand the choir has been an integral part of the Cathedral but it is also costing a great deal of money. The inhabitants of Aldminster are divided into two camps. Is the choir an anachronism in modern society, catering for an elite few who appreciate the music that is not appealing to everyone. Then there is the Dean's house. Massive enormous occupied by two people only. Should this be more open for use by a greater number of people.
Drawn into the story are Henry, the chorister who is destined to go places his mother and the organist, his grandfather and all the others who are integral to the story. Relationships are the cornerstone of the story - petty jealousies of the betrayed and lovelorn, the passion that is ignited by a loveless marriage, the loneliness and isolation that one can feel surrounded by many people and the feeling that you are out of date and out of time in a modern world which looks at everything with a more pragmatic and practical outlook.
All beautifully rendered in this story. All dovetailing neatly into a story which is very appealing and attractive.
Another pick from the Glen Waverley library for which I am eternally grateful. So many books so little time!
This sounds like an author I need to try. Nice pick.