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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The House on Graveyard Lane by Martin Edwards

The author has a series of historical crime which involve Rachel Savernake, a quiet retiring woman whose very clever skills of deduction, along with the enthusiastic support of Jacob, a young journalist seem to find answers for the mysterious and complicated situations they encounter.

1930s England is our setting and Rachel is invited for an exhibition of wax sculptures from the Master of Surrealism Damaris Gethim. Her need from Rachel is strange and straightforward. She is assured that she is going to be murdered very soon, and she wants Rachel to find out who murders her and bring them to justice.

The story is intriguing. The murder takes place that very evening where Damaris is guillotined in front of a big group of invitees. Rachel starts her investigation and she has to go back in Damaris’s life decades and meticulously uncover who Damaris’s long buried enemies were and why they acted as they did.

The story was intense, detailed and the characters of Rachel and Jacob who complemented each other and had ample support from the secondary characters in the story.

Sent by Poisoned Pen Press for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley 

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1 comment:

  1. This looks like a good read and a great setting. I've read a few things by Martin Edwards in the past and really enjoyed them.
