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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

How To Solve Murders Like A Lady by Hannah Dolby


It was tiresome for Violet to be a Lady Detective in 1897 England. Thwarted, deliberately ignored as being not having intelligence to understand criminal matters was bad enough, but she also had to accept that if she wanted to succeed, there were many situations where a man by her side was necessary. Her fiancée fitted the bill perfectly. Understanding Violet, not pushing her to set a date they seemed to be the perfect combo, working harmoniously, though this too did not sit well in their community.

The murder of an outspoken lady draws the couples attention but is ignored by the authorities and they have to work surreptitiously to see that justice was done.

Descriptive especially of the social norms of the time, this added interest to an otherwise average cozy.

Sent by Aria & Aries for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

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