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Sunday, August 4, 2024

Secrets of Rose Briar Hall by Kelsey James


The early twentieth century NewYork is the setting for this dramatic story. Young Millie of new money, is married to the charismatic, rich and handsome Charlie. Very early on in the story we see Millie subject to what was euphemistically called fits of hysteria, to cover all forms of mental aberration and at this point Millie is definitely bound for an institution, courtesy of her husband.

The story reveals itself at that point. Charles infidelities, his murder of his mistress as she was pregnant and wanted marriage, the scandals that ensued with Millie’s so called mental illness, the cover ups mainly in the society they lived in, the hypocrisy of friends and sadly the hypocrisy of Millie’s own family who not just turned their back on her but also cut financial support. 

For a young woman, delicately brought up to face society without family or financial resources was an improbable task. That she did was admirable. With the help of a man whom she knew, and subsequently became her lover she tried to get a divorce and though the jury ruled in her favour the judge who was so adamant in his anti divorce sentiments ruled otherwise. Millie then took matters into her own hands because there was no other way out.

The story of an unfaithful husband was not an uncommon one. Women were expected to turn a blind eye, provided they did not neglect their families. Women were not expected to handle finances and were thus seen, especially wealthy women as pawns in their husbands hands. They not just took over their wives monies but squandered it too. Divorce was a very rare possibility so that you were stuck in a marriage for life, however hard it could be. Very few women found a way out.

Apart from the story of young Millie, the story highlighted the social norms of the day making for very good reading.

Sent by Kensington Books for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.


  1. Poor Millie! She'd have to be a fighter to make it through all of that.

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  3. It can be difficult for me to read stories where women are so mistreated. I know it was often the case.

  4. I've read a book that covered how mental health treatment was handled and weaponized during this period and it was terrifying. This sounds like a good but unsettling read for that reason.
