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Monday, March 23, 2015

Mailbox Monday/It's Monday! What are you Reading?

My posts are going to be sans images as long as I am posting whilst traveling.

Today I am at Kalpitiya -  a place renowned for whale watching, dolphin watching and kite surfing. Very popular with the tourists. Locals less so. I too have not been to the beach to watch either but I am not a beach fan!

This weeks mailbox brought in the following

Isabella - Colin Falconer. Powerful queen who has to contend with a homosexual King.

The Nightingale Girls - Donna Douglas

Wylding Hall - Elizabeth Hand

Inside the  O'Briens - Lisa Genova - read about this one in a review. Netgalley kindly sent it on very quickly.

It's Monday! What are you reading?   This meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey introduces you to books otherwise unknown.

Reading Whylding Hall. A 70s style folk/rock band with all its attendant lifestyle reminiscing about a major incident which changed their lives. I've not yet realized or come to the "incident" sO it's quite a mystery as well.

Weather is very very hot. Not a breath of wind even. There is a belief here that rain will come on Good Friday so everyone looking forward to that.


  1. Have a wonderful time travelling! Hope you enjoy!

  2. Hope you like Inside the O'Briens, horrific disease, Lisa Genova does a great job with this one! Safe travels :)

  3. Inside the O'Briens is one I definitely want to read. Hope you enjoy it and your other books.

    I also hope you get a break soon from the hot weather!

  4. I'd like to read Inside the O'Briens, too... sounds like readers should keep the tissues handy!

  5. Lisa Genova did a great job educating the reader about a horrible disease in Inside the O'Briens. My review will post in a week or two.
    Hope your weather becomes more tolerable very soon.

  6. A beach sounds good to me. We had eight inches of snow yesterday and a snow day today. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  7. I hope you get a chance to see the Dolphins and whales, they are such beautiful creatures.

    Read on...
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  8. ENJOY your reading week, Mystica.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

    ENJOY your travels. Whale watching sounds wonderful.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  9. Looks like a nice collection of books. Enjoy!

  10. Hi Mystica,

    I hope you are having a wonderful time on your travels :)

    I am not a fan of very hot weather, nor beach holidays, however I did check out some on-line images of Kalpitiya and it does look wonderful.

    You have quite a selection of varied genres this week, however 'The Nightingale Girls' is the one which caught my eye and seems to be getting some very positive ratings and reviews. I shall look forward to discovering your thoughts about it.

    Thanks for sharing,


  11. I can't wait for the warm weather, it is 29 degrees here today, enjoy! your traveling.

  12. I think I have Inside The O'Briens coming up soon. I hope you enjoy it!

    Maybe the key to enjoying a seaside getaway is to find a place to enjoy the view without actually having to contend with the crazy vacationers!

  13. You've featured some nice books this week, Mystica. Happy travels!

  14. Wishing you rain on Good Friday! I love whale watching! Hope you venture down to the beach. Have a great time.

  15. Inside the O'Briens does sound fantastic.

  16. I hope you are enjoying your travels. Like you, we are enjoying travel and vacation even though we aren't doing 'tourist' sites.
    I like your variety of reading.
    I hope you get a nice break in the heat.
    Happy Reading!
