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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mailbox Monday and It's Monday What are you reading?

Mailbox Monday is presently on tour. For September the host is Amused by Books. For August it is Life in the Thumb. I am combining this meme with It's Monday What are you Reading hosted by Sheila of Book Journey.

Both memes gives one an insight into what is happening in the book blogging world, what is the latest in reading and what is the best the book world has to offer!

This was a new book which I could not resist. I love his books and the seller was most persuasive!

The other three books are from my second hand book shop in Wellawatte. I never know what is going to turn up there. It could be old, old books or brand new. Its like a lucky dip.

Anne Tyler -

Norah Lofts - The Homecoming. Part of a triology but that will have to wait for discovery in the future. I liked the book mark on this one. It is part of Raleigh Library in Kensington (Australia) and the charge for taking this book is ten cents!!!

I like Monica Dickens and I like London so this was a good choice I think!

I will be reading Room at the Top by John Braine, The Quiet American by Graham Greene

and hopefully another Jean Plaidy. She got pushed back this week for other books which caught

my eye. I also like to finish the Monica Dickens this week so it is quite a lot of reading.

On a personal note Shivanthi my second daughter went back to Melbourne after a whirlwind three week holiday. I think she'd need a vacation there to get over the one here!!! House is very quiet once again.


  1. Those sound like good picks. I've wanted to read Monica Dickens for a while--her books caught my eye in the Persephone Books catalog. Have a great week!

  2. Sounds like you've had a busy week with your daughter visiting. Love the cover of River of Smoke.

    Have a great week and happy reading :)

  3. Looks like some good reads. Enjoy.

  4. Second hand book shops are always fun. I read Breathing Lessons years ago. You'll enjoy that one.

  5. These all look like really good reads! Enjoy! New follower!

    Tia @ Falling For Books

  6. It looks like you were lucky with the second-hand books!

    How nice you had your daughter over for 3 weeks. Oh yes, I always need a holiday after the holiday! :-)

  7. It looks like you're in for some good reading. I really like Tyler's work and think you will too.

  8. Great mailbox! I've always loved Anne Tyler's books, and Breathing Lessons is one I would love to reread.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  9. Great mailbox! I love that cover of River of Smoke!

  10. You've picked out some great books, I'm jealous!

    I've never read any Amitav Ghosh but I do own Sea of Poppies. Is it a good read?

  11. Oh the River of Smoke is absolutely beautiful. Your book seller would have to just show me the book and I would have bought it too.

  12. The cover of River of Smoke is gorgeous! Enjoy your new books.

  13. Enjoy! your week of reading.

  14. I love that cover for River of Smoke - it's just gorgeous! Glad you had such a fun time with your daughter!

  15. These are all new to me. Enjoy! Looking forward to your reviews.

  16. Interesting selection. Even with homework, I did manage to meet last week's reading goals. Please come see what I finished and what I'm reading now.

  17. All your books this week look so good -- can't wait to see what you think of them!

  18. How fun to have had your daughter visiting! Unlike yours, my house is only quiet when my kids are at school. LOL

  19. River of Smoke has a beautiful cover! I think I would have had to buy it as well!

  20. I like the sound of your picks too. Glad your daughter had a good visit! Funny the River of Smoke cover you posted is lovely and the one at Amazon is blah. :-) Have a good week!

  21. Hopping through, have a wonderful week :D

    Here's my "Monday" post.
