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Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Castleton Affair by Benedict Brown


Fell in love with the cover. Marius and Bella get involved again in an investigation which has tones of espionage, which turns into a murder enquiry. Marius is the plodder and Bella seems the sharper mind and they make a good team, despite the hovering fiancée Baines in the background. (Never got the necessity for him but that is not relevant here)

This is simply told, a good storyline and the main characters remaining true to their original casting.

Sent by Storm Publishing for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.


  1. It is a great cover and it sounds good too! I am glad you liked this one.

  2. Oh I do love the cover and the mystery sounds like a fun one! I will have to add this to my TBR.
