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Friday, June 7, 2024

Murder at Ravenswood House by Louise Marley


Set in a very Gothic atmosphere, we have Lorcan the very epitome of gothic, we have Ben Taylor the local Detective and we have Milla - girl friend of one, ex girl friend of the other , also not telling current boy friend about the ex. 

Steeped in feuds, murderous thieving history in the Elliot family of which Ben and Lorcan both belong means that they can never live down their father’s sins. That was the complicated background.

When a headless corpse is found, and when Lorcan is found all bloodied over a gravestone, he is arrested immediately. When the powers that be discover that the body was robbed from a mortuary so too the blood, detectives know they have someone vengeful on their hands. The tension keeps building up with attempted murders, appearances of a faceless highwaymen and a second murder.

No clues, Milla playing a dangerous and a childish game of concealment with the detectives doing their best to keep panic at bay.

Story was fast paced, characters were good and it was a page turner.

Sent by Storm Publishing for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.


  1. You have me wanting to read this one, Mystica!

  2. Love that Gothic feel in a book. And what a cool looking house!
