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Saturday, June 29, 2024

A Gamble at Sunset by Vanessa Riley

Going with the  Bridgerton theme we are dealing with people of colour. A family business thriving and a rich family driven into the ground by a son in laws gambling, and the attempts of the eldest daughter to turn it around. Opening the story with the death bed scene of said son in law, we have his friend, also of mixed ancestry come to the family’s aid.

Taking the Wilcox sisters under his wing, the Duke of Torrance did not know what he was getting into.four ladies all determined, independent and knowing what they want. Katherine the eldest hating the Dukes help, at the same time the feelings she has for him, not diminished but she suppressing them. Then Georgina pushed into a farcical engagement having been caught in a kiss and Lydia the baby of the group, having caught the heart of the Duke who sees in the little girl the sister he lost.

The story revolves around Georgina and Katherine mainly, how they navigate British society with their background of being people of colour, the prejudices they face and how they overcome them.  Very brave women here.

Interesting take from a very different angle of a romance of the times.

Sent by Kensington Books for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

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