My Blog List

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Murder on the French Riviera by Helena Dixon


Kitty and Matt have been given a fairly straightforward assignment. Papers will be delivered, just bring them back. A paid holiday on the French Riviera, sunny weather, the beach, a lovely hotel. It seemed idyllic.

They were warned they were on their own, adversaries were unknown, but both seasoned hands knew that adversaries there will be. Finding the person supposed to give them the documents was hard, because they stumbled on his corpse before any contact could be made. The second murder of a photo journalist was alarming because they were first on both scenes which raised eyebrows with all. 

The enemy could be the German ambassador and his charming wife, the rich American widow and her daughter, the impoverished English Lord pursuing said daughter or the suave Comte.

Escaping their opponents who had not revealed themselves was tricky, and Matt and Kitty thought they had put the worst behind them, when they got on the train but this was where the real danger and action happened.

Very nicely narrated, perfectly in tune with the time of 1936 very good reading.

Sent by Bookouture for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Art of Murder by Fiona Walker


Inkbury is quaint, idyllic almost till you look beyond and see the usual human elements which are hidden at most times. Perfect setting for a cozy mystery.

Juno returns home, hoping for a new start in life. Larger than life and eternally optimistic that something better and importantly someone more interesting will turn up, she is taken aback at developments amongst friends and family. Phoebe is striving to write a best seller - a murder mystery to save her family from bankruptcy, her mother has found a flamboyant lover and to Juno’s suspicious mind, hell bent on doing away with her mother (three previous wives have died in sudden circumstances) and the sudden death by drowning in a shallow patch of the river of her friend Si, sends Juno into full detective mode drawing in her friend Phoebe and the local publican.

Suspicions fall on several (all wrong) people and our detectives are set on finding out who murdered Si before he strikes again. Between the stand up comedian Juno, the ‘cancelled’ and financially strained Phoebe and Mal the publican trying to keep his pub from going under the story is cheeky and full of disarming humour.

Sent by Boldwood Books for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

A Season at the Cliff Hiuse by Brooke L. Davis


1907 two young women with ambition to do something with their lives. Both thwarted by family who have no intention of sending their daughters to college. Both do not have any money of their own and both are not actively looking for a partner though one of them - Grace Hamilton has a secret fiancée who has followed her to San Francisco, and in hindsight Grace realizes he is definitely not marriage material but does not see a way out. 

Isabella wants to be a nurse but finds that her chances grow slimmer by the day. Her mother’s illness, steadily worsening and her sister Josephine’s marital problems leading to a divorce seems to take away all chances of breaking free.

The story is a commentary on society of the time, and the expectations that family wished for. It showed women’s total dependence on their guardians of the time who curtailed any independence by controlling the pursestrings.

Both girls achieved their dreams, one by very drastic methods and one in a more straightforward way.

Sent by BooksGoSocial for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Her Dying Secret by Lisa Regan (Detective Josie Quinn Book 20)

I have been not very successful in tracking this author down. The few I’ve read are intense, this one too.

A routine traffic accident one woman dead, the other concussed with memory loss. The dead woman has been literally starved to death. She clutches in her hand a piece of paper with a child’s drawing with the word HELP. The driver of the car says she doesn’t know the woman, and how she got to be a passenger in the car. Nothing adds up and Detectives have to hold back till the driver recovers to talk and they to reconstruct the story and find the child before its too late.

The detective story and the careful unraveling of the mystery is just one aspect. The other is the work life balance of Detective Josie and the antagonism faced at work and how to deal with it. The book is a page turner and did not disappoint.

Sent by Bookouture for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

A New Doctor at Orchard Cottage Hospital by Lizzie Lane


Dr Frances Brakespeare was unusual for her times. Lady Doctors were few and hard to find and those that did practice were relegated to a second hand position, denied even their marks and spoken to in a very derogatory manner by their male companions. Frances had been adopted at birth and had a very loved existence until her adopted mother passed away.

Her confrontation with a fellow doctor along with the death of Izzie forced her to look elsewhere for a job and she was lucky to find a niche in a rural cottage hospital, where the people supported her but her male colleague along with many of his counterparts tried to undermine her. 

Frances had served in the Great War and lost her love, so she was greatly surprised to find his name carved in the village memorial. That was a mystery she had to unravel.

The story had many strands including the hardship that working women faced, not just from males but also from their own. It seemed right for them to take on all jobs when the men were at war, but were expected to hand over when they returned. No one thought that many of the women were widows, or had men returning with mental or physical disabilities, many which prevented them working and in the case of mental handicaps not even recognized widely or treated. 

Frances was one of the brave ones and this story is testament to that.

Sent by Boldwood Books for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Castleton Affair by Benedict Brown


Fell in love with the cover. Marius and Bella get involved again in an investigation which has tones of espionage, which turns into a murder enquiry. Marius is the plodder and Bella seems the sharper mind and they make a good team, despite the hovering fiancée Baines in the background. (Never got the necessity for him but that is not relevant here)

This is simply told, a good storyline and the main characters remaining true to their original casting.

Sent by Storm Publishing for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Death in the crypt (A Cressida Fawcett mystery) by Fliss Chester


I’m reading the 1920s vintage era rather a lot and this is a classic example.
There is always an Hon. involved and in this case it’s the Honorable Lady Cressida, amateur sleuth and not one to take things at face value.

On what was supposed to be a quiet holiday, she comes across a body in a crypt and standing over the body her Aunts maid Nancy with a heft bloodied candlestick in her hand. For the local detectives, it’s an open and shut case. Lady Cressida is inclined to think otherwise and the pursuit of village gossip, reluctant clergy, local folklore and a vanishing friar are all clues that have to be pursued to uncover the real murderer.

Typical rural English setting with stalwart and standard characters featuring in the story, this was a lovely read.

Sent by Bookouture for a unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Murder at Ravens Edge by Louise Marley


Milla returns home after eighteen years to a rather strained welcome. Milla has lived by her wits, is a compulsive liar, will not pay for anything if she can help it and trusts no one.

A body of a girl dressed in vintage Dior eerily similar to Milla’s own mother’s death which was never solved, the incriminating part is that Milla’s handbag is found by the body. Ben Taylor is the local detective and though the evidence points strongly towards Milla, the timeline doesn’t.

A very compelling read involving murders, plus family history going back decades and deeply divided brothers - one who wouldn’t find it difficult to kill his own, after having killed before is a disturbing read but a page turner. The attraction between Ben and Milla is immediate and dangerous to them both, though that is not going to stop either of them.

Milla’s character is complex and everyone else plays strong roles in the story as well.

Excellent mystery murder.

Sent by Storm Publishing for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.



Was in Portugal on a short tour covering most of the important landmarks, including Fátima. 

Just returned home and will be visiting the blogs.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Highcliffe House by Megan Walker


Anna Lane was a tiny bit autocratic. Born to wealth, the only child of a widowed father she had everything she wanted. Except genuine love from a partner. Having found out the hard way that her suitor was only interested in her wealth and was in fact engaged to another, Anna wanted to escape from London, and the gossip.

Graham Everett was of humble beginnings. Anna’s father was his mentor and guide and Anna hated it that her father gave time and energy to listen to Graham and to guide him. When the offer of going to stay with the Everett family in their modest home in Brighton came up, both Anna and Graham were not happy. Graham’s plans for a huge investment in the Brighton property market became wholly dependent on Anna’s recommendations to her father. Graham knew the situation looked bleak. 

Moving to Brighton, the Everett family warmly welcomed Anna and Graham started showing her the best aspects of Brighton. Slowly Anna and Graham both discovered not antipathy but warmer feelings for each other.

The story depicted in both London and Brighton of 1816 was descriptive and provided a background for this family/love story.

Sent by Shadow Mountain Publishing for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Murder at Ravenswood House by Louise Marley


Set in a very Gothic atmosphere, we have Lorcan the very epitome of gothic, we have Ben Taylor the local Detective and we have Milla - girl friend of one, ex girl friend of the other , also not telling current boy friend about the ex. 

Steeped in feuds, murderous thieving history in the Elliot family of which Ben and Lorcan both belong means that they can never live down their father’s sins. That was the complicated background.

When a headless corpse is found, and when Lorcan is found all bloodied over a gravestone, he is arrested immediately. When the powers that be discover that the body was robbed from a mortuary so too the blood, detectives know they have someone vengeful on their hands. The tension keeps building up with attempted murders, appearances of a faceless highwaymen and a second murder.

No clues, Milla playing a dangerous and a childish game of concealment with the detectives doing their best to keep panic at bay.

Story was fast paced, characters were good and it was a page turner.

Sent by Storm Publishing for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Contrivance by Asher Lewis Stam


Set in two contrasting periods 18th century Scotland and slightly futuristic now this was an intriguing read.

A well laid out story and characters were varied. It also led the reader to ask many questions and ponder on what the individual would do in similar circumstances.

Sent byBooksGoSocial for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

My apologies for the very late review.

A Vicious Machination by Lynn Messina


The setting is one I like. England at a crossroads but many people hardly able to survive. The aristocracy had it on a platter - money, freedom, laws and judiciary which would invariably rule in their favour.

The Duchess of Kesgrave Bea , recently wed, is an investigator of repute.  She is trying to reconcile the illegitimate half sister of her husband with the family, but finds herself in the middle of a drama. Miss Lark, the half sister was found at a murder scene weapon in hand by a Bow Street runner who just happened to be passing by. An open and shut case particularly since the victim and the suspect had terrible history between them.

Bea realises she is against a formidable enemy but she is resourceful and brave. Unraveling a plethora and a history of blackmail on the part of the victim leaves many, many suspects in line. Each has to be investigated but time is running out. 

Meticulous detection is the key and the Duke and Duchess work closely to see that justice is done. The story also highlights the appalling conditions in orphanages, and the abuses that children faced by the very people who were in charge of them.

Sent by Book Whisperor for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Strange ways to Oldham by Andrea Frazer


Lady Amanda and Hugo C C C (the name is far too long ) are two elderly eccentric humans, with all their wits about them but a bit misplaced in the current times they live in.

Accidentally discovering that their friend Reggie was actually murdered, Lady Amanda is incensed that the local police Inspector dismisses her theory as being that of a batty lady. Undeterred they pursue their investigation, uncovering fictitious nephews who have swindled and got rid of older people who are too ill to prevent getting maneuvered.

The story is humorous and lots of comedy with the background of not just money but common sense and a feeling that justice must prevail.

The book was a free download from Amazon but sadly I cannot post a review there, as they do not permit me to do so (since I have not purchased stuff from Amazon).

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Smoke and Mirrors by M E Hilliard



Greer Hogan is a librarian. She is also an amateur sleuth. She is also troubled that her husband was murdered and there is no progress in the investigation and saddened by the fact that he wanted to tell her what his suspicions were, which got him killed, but never had the chance.

Another death in the same company put Greer on guard, and when another person from the same company approached her, after following her for days, with information which he felt was dangerous (and who got murdered within hours), Greer knew she was on track to find out who the killers were. 
All she had was a few sheets of random figures, a lot of conjecture, and the support of Grim a colleague whose specialty is magic and who is very willing and capable of helping her in her quest for justice.

The story included libraries being catalogued .(always interesting) and especially since the subject was magic. It added a completely different lift to the story.

Tense, and a page turner. Emotional as well. 

Sent by Crooked Lane Books for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.