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Sunday, September 1, 2019

Grave Expectations by Heather Redmond

This book deals with several aspects of Charles Dickens personality apart from his superior writings. Dickens was a champion of the under dog and the marginalized part of society and suffered much personal trouble as a result of constantly being embroiled in others affairs. In this case the story starts with the murder of an elderly, reclusive lady in unusual circumstances and then begins a rather complicated story going back decades and involving long lost relatives and lovers.

Dickens despite penury was supported by his very patient fiancée who saw with every episode her chances of having a wedding sooner rather than later fading away. Dickens had to maintain his newspaper job, whilst balancing his detective work and trying to cope with a family who tried his patience and was a huge burden on his purse.

The sleuthing was one aspect of this book. I enjoyed very much the exposure of the person Dickens was and for me, this was the real story.

Sent to me by Netgalley for an unbiased review, courtesy of Kensington Books.


  1. This sounds interesting. I keep meaning to reread some of Dickens' books, which are among my all-time favorites!

  2. I don't recall reading much about Dickens life so this does sound interesting. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
    I hope life is treating you well. :-)

  3. I'm really curious about this one enough so to add it to the future TBR list.
