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Saturday, October 26, 2013


Front Cover

After a painful drought of not having any books I got caught in a landslide. Thats another post. This was one of the books I got landed with.

The title drew me in and I picked it up and it was only when I got started on it that I realized why the name of the author sounded familiar. A great deal of the book is set in Sri Lanka, with the balance covering India, Nepal, Tibet and Australia.

The memoirs of a Sydneysider who has definitely adopted Sri Lanka to a great extent and seems to be very comfortable here, the story is heart breaking in the beginning and shows the instinct and methods we all seek for survival amidst great personal loss. 

The book is very detailed in its description of places where Libby lives and works with very interesting tidbits about Mongolia, far flung Tibet and the outreaches of the Kashmir region. Liking geography and foreign places like I do, this was for me a travelogue as well.

Enjoyed this tremendously.  I do hope I can get to grips with my reading and blogging a bit more systematically than what has happened over the last month! Weddings are over, children have gone back and we go back to the routine.


  1. I agree with commentator # 1! Your review led me to add it to my list Mystica, thanks for sharing Dear!

  2. This sounds wonderful...thanks for sharing.

    Nice review.

  3. This caught my eye too. So glad you enjoyed it.

  4. Love the cover and the book looks good too :)
