This is a mini review since I seem to have a bit of time to spare! Apart from the time as I mentioned before everything in the computer world has crashed and its a horrible feeling knowing that I am beholden to my daughter having to wait till she is free for me to grab her laptop! Definitely not a nice feeling.
This was a book which I picked up from a second hand bookshop in Colombo a while ago. It looked quite old and dusty and has been printed in 1961. The cover is mainly black, white and a touch of grey with an outline of Catherine Howard in the form of a jigsaw puzzle. It was the cover that pulled me in initially.
I have read quite a few books on the infamous Henry VIII and his wives but this book was totally different. It not only dealt with Henry and Catherine in particular but it dealt in depth with the life and times of the Tudor era. The way they lived, managed their estates - in fact all aspects of Tudor life which made the book interesting - the clothes they wore, the gargatun amounts of food they put away and even household accounts.
One is aware with the Tudor era of no surprises - most of the wives die anyway but the wheeler dealing which surrounded the king and his entourage is second to none of the very modern world.
The book was an interesting one for anyone who likes history not just the Tudors. I do not know whether the book is even published now - my copy is by the Alden Press.
What Happened to Summer?
Hello out there - yes, it's been (4) months since I last posted and I
totally missed summer. It wasn't much of a summer - rain, rain, rain and
lots o...
1 year ago