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Friday, July 19, 2024

Death at Darrington Manor by Nancy Warren


I seem to be reading so many books set in the 1920s. The subjects are murder and mystery and deviousness nothing of what is supposed to be genteel and respectable so that ultimately it seems a facade, especially the more aristocratic the family is.

Abigail is a journalist working in Paris. Her heart is set on “meaty” topics but her editor has kept her firmly on the women’s pages. Now sent to Somerset to cover a society wedding - impoverished, county bride and brash millionaire from America, she and her friend Vivian masquerading as her maid faces many surprises as soon as they land at the estate.

Firstly the headlines are about the ex maid Gladys found strangled in London and the attempted murder of the bridegroom when a brand new car is found with the brake liners cut. This is followed by the murder of a protege of the American family who was almost a second son in the family.

Abigail knows the three incidents are connected but no one including the detectives on the case are taking any clues she offers seriously. Abigail uses her ideas skillfully coming out with the suspect who was far removed from the original list.

Descriptive in both the detective genre, the description of social life in the 1920s and the divide that existed amongst the classes added depth to the story.

Sent by Storm Publishing for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

1 comment:

  1. I love a 1920s setting and this looks like a great mystery.
