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Monday, February 19, 2024

The Girl on the Boat by Kate Hewitt


The persecution of the Jews in Germany was bad enough but even on the boat taking them away from Germany, Sophie and her friends faced taunts. Hoping to reach the safe haven of Cuba, with visas in hand, their hopes were dashed. It was only Sophie who managed to escape with a group of six and go to Washington and make a life for herself there.

The other three girls got dispersed through Belgium, France and England in their search for a permanent home. The promise they made to each other to meet on a particular day was one they all intended to keep, despite whatever was thrown at them.

In this story (I presume sequels will follow) we see Sophie’s life from the time she landed at the Tyler’s mansion to her unceremoniously being kicked out, to the life she found for herself, her love and then the tragic loss followed by a surprising change in career.

Like all WWII stories, each story is unique, heart breaking and precious. This was no exception.

Sent by Bookouture for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.


  1. WWII stories are just not my thing - maybe because I heard so many of them from my parents as I was growing up. So I don't think I'll be reading this one!

  2. Love that cover! (The story sounds good, too. :D )

  3. I really enjoy this author's books so I should try this one though it does sound heartbreaking.
