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Friday, September 24, 2021

The Spanish House by Cherry Radford

Ideal reading for present times. Everyone is in lockdown and you really do not want to have more doom and gloom. Maybe escapist reading but it is entertaining and quite descriptive. Juliana is offered a gorgeous opportunity for change. In Spain house sitting with a list of repairs and conditions to be done to the house and elsewhere to gain ownership of a coveted property. Will anyone bypass this opportunity. It seems too good to be true and in the process of painting, repairing and generally following Uncle Arturo's list Juliana comes up with obstacles from neighbours, romance and finding out lost or rather hidden family skeletons which were firmly buried till now. The book was a good read, warm and entertaining. Sent by Aria & Aries, Aria for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.


  1. I believe in escapist reading! And "warm and entertaining" sounds good.

  2. House sitting in Spain sounds amazing! :)
