A free download from Amazon this was an absolutely wonderful book and for someone who is not very familiar with American Presidents, the Secret Service and all the ramifications of American security, this was an eye opener.
There is a plot to assassinate the American President (a female - married with two children) and it is to take place in Paris. Despite all the security build up before and during the visit there are loopholes
and always something overlooked and this time it is the catacombs of Paris which are being used as an entrance and exit by the assassinates to gain access to the hotel, bypass the massive security operations in place and to carry out their task.
The masterminds behind the entire operation are absolute professionals, willing to die in the process. Very similar to the President's own security detail. Who gets the better of whom is the story told in amazing detail.
Mystica, thanks for spotlighting this book. I'm going for it.
ReplyDeleteOh! I have this one in my 'free' (overloaded) kindle library. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It sounds like one I would like. I have added it to my "pick these" TBR list. :-)