I liked the names of towns and villages which rolled off this book. Dawlish, Sidmouth, Teignmouth, Beer to name just a few.
The setting is picturesque, the story quaint. We have main characters and the sub characters all of whom play a significant role in the story. Set in a public school in Devon we have on top of it all the best features, peculiar to English public boys schools. It all adds to the atmosphere. What you get is definitely not run of the mill.
Devil worship, the occult, blackmail, pornography in this very innocuous English public school and Sefton and Morley have to set it right. One death which looks so much like an accident, veering off a cliff is so real, and then we have slaughter of a cow with the disappearance of many animals. None of which signify a murder but they do. Unravelling it is the story here.
If one likes a 1930s setting with the quiet Sefton, the eccentric Morley and his attractive daughter this is the book for you. The bonus is Devon.
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