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Monday, March 10, 2025

A Slash of Emerald by Patrice McDonough


I have been exceptionally fortunate to have read books in a row where either the era or setting contributed so much to a story. This was no exception. 

1867 London and Dr Julia Lewis a trail blazer. One of very few female doctors in Britain. Richard Tennant a detective with Scotland Yard someone Julia is very close to. The Allinghams, established family of artists and writers. Like every family secrets galore and the bubble burst when Charles Allingham was discovered dead by arsenic poisoning, seemingly a suicide. 

No clues as to his mental state, no financial woes but Richard uncovers a web of pornography, prostitution, child abduction and more. Involving the highest in the land, there was no way this was going to be easy to cover up or disclose but the end denouement came as a surprise though with hindsight perfectly logical. 

Very well written, detective work impeccable, the mix of feelings encompassing the whole story was excellent reading.

Sent by Kensington Publishing for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

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