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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Ash Dark as Night by Gary Phillips


Harry is a good photographer and he is in the eye of the storm in 1965 downtown Chicago in the maelstrom of riots. He gets good photographs of police brutality very clear and concise, and then finds himself at odds with the local police force.

When recuperating he is approached to track down Tolbert which in turn takes Harry down the road of bank corruption, wheeling and dealing and robberies. All the while being in the crosshairs of LAPD intelligence.

Very reminiscent of current events and riots in cities across the world, with no sign of abating. Is this a sign of the breakdown of justice,  fairplay all around? 

The first half of the story is fast paced, the second part less so.

Sent by Soho Press for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

1 comment:

  1. Gary Phillips will be at the local bookstore this next weekend. I probably won't be able to go, but I wish I could. This sounds like a good one.
