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Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Butterfly Collector by Tea Cooper


The links in this story were tenuous. An illustration of a butterfly, a missing baby (thankfully found) and
a mystery that lay unsolved. To add to the interest two time lines the early 1800s and 1922 Sydney. Both links involved feisty, courageous women. The women were not afraid to stand out against restrictive rules and they worked the system in their favor in whatever way they could. 

The two individual stories were complicated. The earlier one was about Carrie and Sid and their earlier life which included their missing son and the baby racket that went on in Morpeth. Since big names were involved the story was not discussed or published. In the latter story Verity discovered the story and despite pressure from above got justice for the mothers whose children were given without their consent.

The story is not an unusual one - baby farms existed in every place but the cruelty of its practice because very few voluntarily gave up their children. The fact that it was highlighted at the end is a good ending because for some it could end in a reunion (which it did in this story).

Sent by Harper Muse for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.


  1. Women are always fighting restrictive rules, enforced or hinted at, and I don't see a change much over recent years. Even teens are fighting it in schools (see my review of a teen gaming rom com)

  2. What a pretty cover! And the story sounds good, too.

  3. I loved this story and recently attended an interesting talk by the author.

  4. This is on my TBR. I'm glad the ending wasn't as tragic as it could have been. I'm looking forward to reading it.
