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Saturday, August 19, 2023

There’s a plane on fire on the runway by Patrick Langdon

 A travel memoir covering several countries, lots of details of each place and other than a few exceptions everything was dusty, dirty, with piles of garbage, the guides were scammers and cheats and the food was lousy.

The writer accompanied by his wife went on guided tours to Egypt, India twice, then Cambodia, amongst several others. Historical details were faithfully detailed but one did get tired of the slightly condescending tone throughout the read. He did have a couple of good experiences but they seemed to have been overshadowed by the negatives.


  1. A condescending tone puts me off - that's unfortunate.
    Mary @Bookfan

  2. Too bad about the negatives on those interesting guided tours. If I had better health, I'd try one of those global treks. Have a good week.

    Harvee at

  3. I might wait until I get back from my long plane ride to read this one.
