This was the ideal book to read after a dose of two or three rather strong detective novels!
Set in Trewenham the setting is idyllic. The history of the characters if turbulent but that is a previous story. Right now we have the heir to the Castle being the apple of his parents eyes, then we have a fairytale wedding of Matt and Finula, we have the sad breakup of Christie and her husband almost on the eve of their setting up a new home and then devastating news of Sebastian's illness and how to cope with it, then Daniel facing his marriage breaking up and fighting a desperate custody battle for his little girl Emily.
These are the stories which form the backdrop of this book and each one is dealt with in a way which is very pleasant to read.
It is a light hearted read, though the subjects of child custody, divorce, multiple sclerosis are not happy subjects. All dealt with very well.
I enjoyed the story telling in this novel.
Sent by Netgalley for an unbiased review, courtesy of Head of Zeus.
Sounds like the right book at the right time. Thanks for sharing!