1930s Scotland. The snobbery amongst the aristocracy even if they hadn’t a penny to their name hasn’t died down as yet and the Inverkillen clan is not exempt from this trait. Original owners of the Loch Down Abbey now run as a hotel, some of them uninvited guests seem to think they are above all the rest.
Despite the story being one of mystery and murder, foreign spies, theft on an enormous scale and espionage, I found the antics, attitude and behavior of the family to hold my interest more. The utter callousness of Bella, the selfishness of Alastair, the arrogance of the Dowager and the rational brother Ferguson trying to hold a business together and not allow the hard work he and his team have done, go into ruin in a week due to the stupidity, selfishness and avarice of his family.
The story resulting in murders was good but the family intricacies were better.