My Blog List

Monday, March 3, 2025

Shipwrecked Souls by Barbara Fradkin


Set in Ottawa, it gives a glimpse into the diverse multi cultural scene that is Canada. An elderly woman recently arrived from Ukraine, Anya is found dead in a lonely alleyway. One clue only, a name written in three languages. No such person exists but that could be simply a change of name to an anglicized version that makes blending in easier. A second death also an elderly man Simon Stone, made to look like an accident is murder. The man has a huge collection of Holocaust connected literature, and now the connections get closer. It also starts getting closer to Inspector Greens own family and tightly hidden history.

A story of murder and cover up. Of Nazi persecutors living a very comfortable life in many countries, but they are also aware that they will be followed and there is always someone looking for justice, decades later. It puts the pursuer in grave danger but by the time, the pursuer is not concerned what happens to him. He has seen so much, suffered so much trauma that death may be very comfortable, after of course what he is determined to do. Anya was looking for family, for comfort. She did not find it but Inspector Green did. 

The story was convoluted with espionage, secrets in government, cover ups and deaths. It was a detailed progression of methodical detection which solved the mystery and the murders.

Sent by Dundurn Press for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Come Fly With Me by Camille DI Maio


1962 and the beginning of the glamorous world of jet setting. Judy and Beverley had widely different reasons for joining Pan Am. Judy to escape an abusive husband and Beverley to avoid being pushed into a marriage by her overwhelming father who expected her to conform to high society norms. Both girls overcame many obstacles - Judy hiding her marital status because married women were not allowed to join. Her husband Henry she knew would not take her desertion well, and she knew he would leave no stone unturned to get her back. Beverley had to prove to herself that she could manage on her own, no easy task for a girl who had endless accounts paid for by Daddy.

We follow their adventures, we see them finding love and we see a tragic end for one and the other growing old gracefully.

The story was an emotional and sensitively told. One was drawn into the glamour of flying (I still think it is so!). At the same time it was a personal story of two very young women who were bold enough to step into this new world.

Sent by Lake Union Publishing for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

Udaipur absolutely stunning.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Only Murders in the Abbey by Beth Cowan -Erskine


1930s Scotland. The snobbery amongst the aristocracy even if they hadn’t a penny to their name hasn’t died down as yet and the Inverkillen clan is not exempt from this trait. Original owners of the Loch Down Abbey now run as a hotel, some of them uninvited guests seem to think they are above all the rest.

Despite the story being one of mystery and murder, foreign spies, theft on an enormous scale and espionage, I found the antics, attitude and behavior of the family to hold my interest more. The utter callousness of Bella, the selfishness of Alastair, the arrogance of the Dowager and the rational brother Ferguson trying to hold a business together and not allow the hard work he and his team have done, go into ruin in a week due to the stupidity, selfishness and avarice of his family. 

The story resulting in murders was good but the family intricacies were better.

Sent by Hodder and Stoughton for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The House of Light and Shadows by Lauren Westwood


A family story in the past and present, an old house with a hidden mystery, unsettled spirits and romance.

Kate is pulled out of a business environment, to look after her sisters children after her sisters attempted suicide. She is estranged from her sister and has never looked after children, let alone antagonistic ones. Arriving nevertheless to her sisters home, she finds a derelict house with strange vibes and a mysterious presence. Kate slowly unravels the mystery in the house and the fact that someone wants something completed. Kate has to walk blind into the situation trying to bring some order to the events which happened decades before.

The subject of photography was detailed, especially from the time photography began and the fact that at that time it was an art form and one available only to the rich. The different aspects including weird photography hardly known to the general public was a major part of the story as the earlier inhabitants of the old house were well known in this field. It is the two ladies of the house who continued this profession which was unusual for the times,  which formed the backdrop to the story.

Continuing in the present times Kate has to contend with an greedy property developer who has managed to persuade her sister to demolish the old house and two children with agendas of their own.
Add to the mix a budding romance for Kate.

Quite a lot to deal with the story was a good one. The story of family loyalty both present and past are a theme in this story.

Sent by Boldwood Books for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Case of the Christie Conspiracy by Kelly Oliver


Agatha Christie was a very popular author in 1926 but the tables have been turned. She is now the first suspect in the death of Nicholas Lively. Her strange behavior at the meeting where Nicholas was killed, and her consequent disappearance for days does not help her case.

Nicholas Lively’s death had many points of interest. It took place at a meeting of notable detective genre novel authors, the best in the business at the time. One of the items on the agenda was the dismissal of Miss Christie from the group. There was dissension on this vote which added to the suspicions against Miss Christie. Apart from the Police investigation, we have Eliza and Theodore, both with issues of their own, join forces to try the solve the murder and in the process track down Miss Christie. They are successful in both, and the ending was surprising. 

The book is a quick read, the romance is a bit too light with no depth but the story was a good one. 

Sent by Boldwood Books for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

On another note just returned after a holiday in Rajasthan. It was an exciting and a very colorful visit.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

End of August by Paige Dinneny


Aurora has returned to Monroe with her nomadic Mum Laine after a long absence. She is settling in to what feels like home - a loving grandmother, neighbours, school and for once a friend and her first crush Harry who is turning out to be very nice.

She knows however that the situation can turn a trice and looks like it is heading that way. Laine has fallen in love with the mailman and when he leaves his wife and two children, this small town buzzing with rumors becomes a maelstrom for Aurora and her family because the ostracism starts immediately. The inevitable happens. Tim leaves and Laine knows she has to leave too. She did not think Aurora will want to stay.

A coming of age story where a youngster stoically and bravely puts up a loyal front, supporting her mother till she couldn’t do it anymore.

Very well told, sensitively handled.

Sent by Alcove Press for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Radio Hour by Victoria Purman


1956 Sydney could easily be mistaken for Victorian times - arcane rules for women, women who did so much taken for granted, ignored and treated with scant respect in the workforce.

Martha is an exemplary secretary and has been overlooked and her true potential never understood. Her work for a very young man with no skills at all who got the job through knowing someone spelt doom and pressure for Martha. True to her name she was not confrontational and just wanted to keep her job. However she turned the tables and created a record in the most unusual way in the office and this became the surprising and courageous part of the story, totally different to the meek and subservient manner she had been before.

The story dealt with radio in Australia and the huge effect it had on the general populace. The influence of simple radio shows was phenomenal and if it was used cleverly, could actually shape people’s attitudes and practices. It also marked the onset of television in Australia, and the trepidation that the radio world felt when it was started.

This was a brilliant topic handled very well in a very relatable story.

Sent by Harper Collins Focus for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.