My Blog List

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Who Loves You Best by Marilyn Simon Rothstein


Dr Jodie Wexler drops everything - her husband (just fired from his job), her flourishing practice to be with her grand daughter Macallan. It was for one week and she intended to make the most of it. She did not think she will face the wrath and insidious jealousy of Grandma No 2 the glamorous Di, and a strange Grannie Annie a 22 something and a fixture in Callie’s life already.

Dealing with an amiable grand daughter was easy, but coming to terms with her role in the household was a difficult one for Jodie. Each character gave one light, superficial view to the world hiding deep insecurities and fears within. Jodie herself learned more about herself and her priorities and the choices which would suit her. After decades of pleasing everyone else, Jodie finds her own path keeping other considerations aside for the first time.

Charming read and an eye opener for self sacrificing people everywhere!

Sent by Lake Union Publishing for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

Friday, October 25, 2024

The Cursed Writer by Holly Hepburn


Blogger did it again. No picture and this was one I particularly wanted to show readers as it was so dull and didn’t do the story justice!

To new readers of the series, Harriet works in a Baker  Street  building society which has the same address for the fictitious Sherlock Holmes. Many believe he is a living person, and Harriet’s job is to ensure that a reply goes to every person who writes in.  One particular enquiry catches her eye and she pursues it in a private capacity along with Oliver and they uncover a scene which is quite unimaginable.

Mixing elements of attempted murder, hallucinations and a touch of the supernatural, the setting of Thrumwell Manor is very apt for the story. The plot is complicated, suspicions fall on everyone, but the final solution is far reaching.

Sent by Boldwood Books for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Dear Aunt Addi by Aralyn Adams


This was a quirky read. We have a 109 year old with the entire history (and secrets) of the town wrapped up in her head. We have a nosey journalist with his own agenda, wanting to find out all the hidden details of his own ancestry amongst other things. We also have buried treasure and secrets.

This story is set in plantation and slave time Southern part of America. Very little is documented but stories passed from one generation to the next. How correct the stories are is anybody’s guess and did they get a wee bit mixed up in the retelling? Probably.

Its a rambling tale, can get a bit confusing but portrays realistically what plantation life really was, before moving onto present times. The events took place in 1895, we then come to the 1970s and then to present day times. A lot to cover.

Sent by Victory Editing Netgalley Co-op for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Saratoga Woods by Elizabeth George


I’ve not been able to get an Elizabeth George book for years, much to my regret. That I got this was sheer luck. 

Becca King on the run from a criminal stepfather is abandoned by her mother on Whidbey Island. Becca is psychic, hears whispers which she sometimes cannot interpret, and this makes her stand out in the group of teenagers she has to live with. Derric of Ugandan origin and adopted and Seth a drop out and much maligned are her friends. Debbie becomes an adopted Aunt and Diana who understands the psychic part of Becca are her support system.

Because of her fear for her stepfather Becca cannot come clean even to those who want to help and when Derric is found unconscious after a fall in the woods, the local Sheriff turns his attention to the local bad boy Seth and then to Becca, the unknown quantity in this tiny community.

Dealing with teen angst, the way they think and react (mean girl Jenn being a case in point) the story weaves its way through small town America and how a community tries to help out one of its own.

Slightly different to this authors usual settings, this was still a very good read. One book from a trilogy, I do hope I can get to the others.

Sent by Elizabeth George for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

A Letter from Ireland by Ann O’Loughlin


Four friends gone their different ways but brought together by the death of one in their group. Her last request that they spend two whole months on the remote island of Scarty to reminisce, rebond and find out about themselves. It is a big ask. Each of them have professional and personal commitments which they find hard to let go, but they eventually do and get themselves to this remote area of Ireland.

The story pivots around Casey but the other two have stories of their own. Each of them have conflicts of being taken for granted, for being cheated on and in Georgie’s case close to bankruptcy. How the issues get resolved through closer introspection and facing up to reality and their own failings, how the second chance life throws at you should not be allowed to go astray, are all highlighted in this story.

Rosie herself had a life and secrets unknown to anyone and that in itself was shattering for all around her. That she could only come out with them after she died, was sad. But that is the story.

An emotional and joyous read at the same time.

Sent by Bookouture for an unbiased read, courtesy of Netgalley.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Death Rites by Sarah Ward


Carla, a professor in archaeology has just started work at a new university in Jericho. Still trying to come to term with her husbands suicide, she is sensitive to nuances around her and feels that there is some kind of atmosphere around the faculty.

A murder happens and she is asked for her opinion on random objects found around the victim. Her assessment eventually leads to her pursuance of several other murders of many women, all cold cases except one where a suspect confessed. She feels her views are not welcomed by both her faculty fellows and the powers that be in the police department and she is warned to stop all investigation and not talk about her discoveries. Feeling that she is against a very twisted and clever killer who is killing according to a specific design and one which has bypassed the police who are looking for traditional clues. In this story hints of ancient beliefs, protection against evil spirits, elements of witchcraft are all brought into play adding a diversity to murder investigations.

Interesting twist to the story, I didn’t figure out who the probable murderer was at all.

Sent by Canelo for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Hometown vendetta by Traci Hunter


Luke Steele works as a military aide to the President and due to a terrorist attack has to return to his hometown. Luke has horrible memories of high school and the constant attacks he was forced to suffer as a student. He is now returning for a high school celebration with Special Agent Amberlynn Reiner trying to track down these terrorists who were spotted wearing tattoos and rings connected to Pine Hills school.
He is coming with Amberlynn as his fiancée which he hopes will be a good cover for their enquiry.

The return is not easy and the taunting is continuous. When their car is trashed and when a bomb destroys the apartment they are staying in, the attack seems personal and focussed on running them out of town. Their enquiry seems to be too close to home and although their cover is blown, both of them are committed to the chase. Now the urgency is to find the suspected second car bomb which is targeting the celebration at the school itself.

Highlighting the subject of bullying is a key point in this story as it has molded Luke to what he is today. It is also a worrisome feature in present society.

The element of romance was not overly emphasized and blended into the story.

Sent by Shadow Mountain Publishing for an unbiased review, courtesy of Netgalley.